
  • Move with WASD
  • Jump with Space
  • Talk and/or Deliver with Shift
  • Move the camera with the mouse

Stuck? Deliver an item back to the person who gave it to you. They will remind you where it needs to go.


The Founder's Festival is in three days, but there's a lot to do before then for Avery, the new Mail Carrier for the town of Little Heights. Run, jump, and climb through the environment on your quest to keep lines of communication open between the town's many wacky residents. Delivering heartfelt letters, sincere apologies, and encouraging words is easy enough, but what will you do with the poorly-chosen presents, thoughtless questions, and scathing critiques that fly between rivals, competitors, and, worst of all, roommates?!

How to Play:

Start each day by gathering packages from the post office, then bring them to the appropriate NPCs. Making deliveries and talking to NPCs may give you new items to take elsewhere. When you're done for the day, return to the post office to end your workday and go to the next.

The game is three days long and ends automatically at the end of Day Three. Each day, Mayor Amber has one package you MUST deliver before you can end your workday. Talk to her and deliver her special Mayor's Requests (one per day) to finish the game.

But there's more to be done, if you're up to the task. Can you make every NPC happy by delivering something that will bring joy to their heart? Or will you make your least favorite NPCs sad by intentionally misdelivering their packages? It's up to you how happy or sad the Founder's Festival will be!

Known Issues:

  • Your mouse may disappear at the beginning of the game, after you Click to Start. If you tab to another window and then click back into the game, it will probably clear up.  You might also have better luck with a desktop build.
  • To run this on MacOS, you may need to give permission in System Settings. Go to Privacy & Security, scroll down to Security, and click "Open Anyway" for "Little Trouble in Little Heights".

A Game Jam 2024 Project

Our project for the 2024 GMTK Game Jam! For the theme of Built to Scale, we built a town for people of different sizes, with problems of different sizes, that can be resolved using items of different sizes. We hope you enjoy exploring Little Heights, getting to know its inhabitants, and futzing with the weight limit of your inventory!


  • 2D art by Laurel
  • 3D art by Leo
  • Writing by Ian and Jamie
  • Programming by Kevin



Little Heights - 57 MB
Little Trouble in Little 80 MB
Download - jam version 57 MB
Little Trouble in Little Heights.dmg - jam version 85 MB


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I want a mail stoat now


Very cute! I couldn't easily figure out who was supposed to receive what but it honestly didn't matter because it was just a fun little place to walk around in!